Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hello, Simon here. Just got back from Hong Kong like 5 hours ago. Was good, had lots of fun, shopping and bla bla bla tell you more about it later.

Anyway, got back and Jian Yong told me he and Ryan made the blog that they wanted to make.


Anyway. I got home, unpacked and shit. Was going out to go eat then was told we were driving to KLIA again which is like eleventy-seventy nine miles away because my sister left something important in the taxi. I was like "Oh shit, yeah we should go get it then."

I was thinking she left her :

Phone, wallet, laptop, or something.

Nope, was her bantal busuk.

And I have a one too, so I felt her pain and now it was more urgent. Her precious bantal busuk, all lonely and wanting looove.

We got there and went to the lost and found and it was there, wrapped up in a little plastic bag.


I saw a Wajalution. Sounds cool yeah! No.

Wajalution = Proton Waja trying hard to look like a Mistubishi Evolution VII. Hence, Wajalution.
Not cool.





It was in the KLIA pick up area and the driver was revving and shit attracting attention his parents never gave him. It was yellow, and ugly.

He passed us later and David chased it in his car. That was fun.

My first post. Yay.


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